Forward to Freedom is a direct action campaign organized by Operation Stop CPS. Operation Stop CPS is an organization that works to empower families with the knowledge they need to prevent unnecessary involvement with Child Protective Services. We understand that our children are our most vulnerable population and their protection should be the communities #1 priority. Unfortunately, Durham County Department of Social Services is responsible for the unlawful removal of thousands of children from their safe and loving homes under the guise of protecting children. Children are abused, neglected and some even go missing after being taken into Durham County custody. This is a problem and in order to push Forward to Freedom, we must unite and demand community control of child protection.
We are calling on you to join us on the ground. Use this website to stay up to date on all direct actions happening in Durham, NC to STOP CPS.
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Alexis Wynn and Kellie Smith, two Durham County mothers who have had their children illegally removed by Durham County CPS, will be heard after battling this system for almost 3 years in silence.
What happened in the Wynn Case? On December 30, 2019, Durham County DSS petition the Court for custody of Prince (age 3) and Zion (age 4) alleging that their mother had placed them in an injurious environment because she was a victim of domestic violence. Instead of providing Ms. Wynn with services to help her and her children stay safe, Durham County re-victimized this mother by ripping her children from her care while she was fleeing her abuser. The children were originally placed with the maternal grandmother, Samantha Wynn, but in July of 2021, the children were removed from the grandmother's home after the father, the perpetrator of the abuse, fabricated safety concerns and reported them to the biased case worker. The children have been moved 5 times since being in foster care and have been abused and neglected.
Ms. Wynn’s hearing begins December 5th @ 9am and is scheduled to last until the end of the day on December 6, 2022. Nancy Gordon is the Judge on this case.
What happened in the Smith Case? Ms. Smith was a teenage mother when she gave birth to Ah’miyah. A false report was made to Durham County and without any evidence to prove Ms. Smith had abused or neglected Ah’miyah, Durham County filed to take custody of Ah’miyah on Dec 13, 2019. On Jan 11, 2021, shortly after the birth of Ms. Smith's second child, Phillip, Durham County took custody of him because Ah’miyah was still in custody. Phillip was only 1 month old and there was no evidence of abuse or neglect. Ms. Smith has completed all court ordered services, yet Durham County is attempting to terminate her rights to her children. Ms. Smith also has a 7 month old child that she has sole custody of after an investigation found her home to be safe.
Ms. Smith’s hearing will be held on December 15, 2022 @ 9am and her Judge is Doretta Walker.
Both hearings will take place at the 5th Floor of the Durham County Courthouse (510 S. Dillard St, Durham NC 27701)
Current Call To Action For the Smith Case
You can take ACTION from anywhere you are in the world!
1. Contact Keith Roberson, CPS Attorney ([email protected]) and Glenna Boston, Guardian ad Litem attorney ([email protected]) to demand that they agree with the immediate reunification of Ms. Smith's children to her care and custody.
2. Join Us in Person on December 15 at 2:30pm. Courtroom 5C!

Take The Pledge!
Will you pledge to court watch for impacted families in Durham?
Durham County Officials DO NOT Want Families To Be Free
In an attempt to criminalize the Movement, Durham County officials have attempted to create a false narrative that their employees are fearful for their safety even though there have never been any threats of violence. This is a common tactic of government agencies attempting to cover up the truth. There is also a current restraining order in place prohibiting Operation Stop CPS Founder, Amanda Wallace, from having contact with Durham County employees.
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