Operation: Bring Zephaniah Home
(Zephaniah is HOME)

Listen to Zephaniah's Story...
Jan 25, 2022 Ms. Sellers has filed her federal lawsuit against the Cabinet for Health and Family Services and numerous individuals responsible for the kidnapping of Zephaniah. Zephaniah turned 1 years old on May 17, 2022. He celebrated his 1st birthday in foster care, a memory Ms. Sellers will never get back.
June 17, 2022 The Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services filed a motion to hold Ms. Sellers civil lawsuit in abeyance pending the resolution of the pending appeal on decision decision to take Zephaniah into custody to begin with.
August 18, 2022 In-person visitation resumes between Ms. Sellers and Zephaniah. Visits now begin to take place at Ms. Seller's church, supervised by a member of Ms. Sellers community, Mary Lou.
September 1, 2022 The Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services attempted to change the permanent plan for Zephaniah to adoption. Ms Sellers stood in her power as her own attorney, and stopped the plan from changing. Instead, the Judge recommended the Cabinet begin reunification efforts immediately.
October 25, 2022 Ms. Sellers's APPEAL was officially accepted. Ms Sellers is currently awaiting accountability for the actions of all persons involved.
October 27, 2022 Zephaniah had surgery for his ears.
"I met the person who Zephaniah had been placed in the care of for the first time during his ear surgery. I was lost for words at just how much my son had gone through without me as I watched him being prepped for this big moment."- Ms. Sellers, mother
October 31, 2022 Zephaniah has his first home visit and gets to take a nap in his mom's bed for the first time. Ms. Sellers was overwhelmed with joy that Zephaniah was able to come home and see his room for the first time. It was an extremely emotional time and Ms. Sellers cried heavily as she welcomed Zephaniah inside their home. This was truly a beautiful moment.

Current Case Status: Zephaniah came HOME December 30, 2022. Ms Sellers fought vigorously, and fiercely as her own attorney to ensure accountability of all persons involved in Zephaniah's removal.

Support TodayClick the link below to support the reunification of Zephaniah & Ms. Sellers.
On May 19, 2021 at only 2 days old, Zephaniah was taken from his mother unnecessarily by the Kentucky Child Protection System (CPS).
The Facts:
- On May 16, 2021, Ms. Sellers arrived at Baptist Hospital Lexington to give birth to Zephaniah.
- Ms. Sellers gave birth to Zephaniah at 5:06am on May 17, 2021 without complication.
- Ms. Sellers wanted Zephaniah to stay in her room at all times to reduce his exposure to COVID. Ms. Sellers assertiveness was mislabeled as "angry" and "overreactive" just hours after giving birth when nurses insisted that Zephaniah go to the nursery.
- A report for "risk of neglect" was made by Holly Rollins, MSW at Baptist Hospital. Ms. Rollins NEVER MET Ms. Sellers or Zephaniah prior to this malicious report being made. The report was made just hours after Zephaniah's birth.
- On May 19, 2021, Kamika Joyner, CPS Social worker, arrived at Baptist Hospital to meet with Ms. Sellers and Zephaniah. Ms. Sellers and Zephaniah were both discharged home from the hospital prior to the arrival of Kamika Joyner. When Ms. Joyner arrived, Ms. Sellers was breastfeeding Zephaniah before heading home to begin their life together. Ms. Sellers asked Ms. Joyner to leave her hospital room so she could continue her discharge plan. Ms. Joyner refused to honor Ms. Sellers request and instead, Ms. Joyner spearheaded and orchestrated the attack on Ms. Sellers and Zephaniah's life.
- Ms. Sellers was choked by hospital security and Zephaniah was ripped from Ms. Sellers hands by an officer with the Lexington Police Department.
Ms. Sellers was arrested for 2nd degree disorderly conduct and taken to jail. Zephaniah was taken to the nursery where he stayed overnight while CPS found a foster home for him to be discharged to.
Ms. Sellers has not neglected Zephaniah but yet she is forced to face another day without her child in her custody. This is NOT right. This is NOT justice. We must STOP CPS from hurting this family. Listen to this mother's story in the video below and help support this mother by contributing to support her legal defense. Keep this family in your thoughts.
Trigger Warning
Watch the Illegal Removal of Zephaniah from his mother at only 2 days old by Kentucky Child Protective Services.
Support the Movement to Finally STOP the Unchecked Power of CPS
Every purchase of the Respond in Power Guide and/or T-shirt helps Operation Stop CPS's mission to empower families and hold CPS accountable for their abuse towards families. We NEED your support to finally put an end to this system.