Operation: Bring The Brown Siblings Home
(The Brown Siblings Are Home)
Removal State: North Carolina

Meet The Brown Family
"I don't understand why my children are not in my home"- Ashley Brown, mother
Hello Everyone,
My name is Ashley Brown and I have 5 beautiful children. Their names are Yameerah (12 years old), Yamir (10 years old), Tyhir (10 years old), Ble’Synn (3 years old) and Adeem (1 years old). My babies are my life…
I moved from Philadelphia to Eden, North Carolina to create a better life for myself and my children. I was in school full-time and my children were thriving.
And Then One Call Changed Our Lives...
On June 22, 2021, I put my youngest 2 children to sleep at 8:00pm as I do every night. I cleaned up the house a bit and then I got a call that my neighbor was having a sickle cell crisis. My youngest son has sickle cell so my neighbor always calls me when she is in crisis. The reasoning is because I have researched and educated myself on this subject in order to successfully care for my son. My neighbor stated that she needed my help. So, what did I do as a person who cares? I immediately sprang into action and explained to my 11-year-old daughter that I was going to check on the neighbor. My daughter has a cell phone and knows how to get in contact with me if there is an emergency. Therefore, I had no worries when it came to the safety of my children. Before leaving the house, I checked to make sure my two youngest children were still asleep. Both of my children were peacefully sleeping in their beds.
My neighbor, who only lives a few feet away, needed my help, so I went to help her. Tragically, this is where the nightmare began. While I was walking out of my neighbor’s home after helping her, an officer approached me. The officer informed me that law enforcement had received a call that my 1-year-old was outside roaming the neighborhood for an hour. I had only been at my neighbor’s house for 10 minutes. I was in shock and wondering what was happening in that moment. This is when I came to the conclusion that I believed the call was made by a neighbor who had a conflict with me.
Furthermore, my 1-year-old was not with the officers when they approached me. I walked back to my apartment with the officer. The officer and I both walked inside of my apartment and my daughter came downstairs holding my 1-year-old son. He was in her arms still asleep. My 3-year-old walked downstairs behind my oldest daughter. My 1-year-old is unable to climb out of his crib and he is also unable to open the door to our apartment. My 1-year-old was never outside of the apartment the night of June 22, 2021. Regardless of this fact, I was arrested and charged with 5 counts of misdemeanor child abuse and taken to jail by the Eden Police Department.
Rockingham County Child Protective Services (CPS) was contacted by Eden Police Department. Katelyn Lowe, After Hours CPS Investigator, came to my apartment to investigate the allegation that my 1-year-old was outside of my apartment unattended. Katelyn Lowe DID NOT investigate the allegations and told me my children needed a placement due to my arrest. I provided my cousin who lives in Durham, North Carolina as a placement option however, Katelyn Lowe told me that she did not have time to wait for my cousin to get my children. My children were removed from my custody and placed in foster care. I was taken to jail where I stayed for 5 days. This has been one of the most traumatizing experiences of my life.
Rockingham County CPS should have SCREENED OUT the report made to their agency on June 22, 2021 based on the Supreme Court ruling in the Stumbo case. This error in the intake process gave CPS the authority to intervene in our lives unjustly. When will this injustice end?
Click Here To Read The Full Article

I know the terrors of the foster care system because I grew up in foster care. As a foster youth, I was placed in roughly 86 foster homes. This is absolutely not the life that I want nor envision for my children. I want for my children to grow up to be responsible adults and I have worked hard to ensure my children have a stable home that is full of love and care. Since being placed in foster care, my children have been separated and abused. My 1-year-old was punched in the mouth by a 30-year-old woman living in the foster home where my children were placed. My baby boy was assaulted less than 24 hours after being placed in foster care. I have concerns that my 3-year-old daughter is being sexually abused after observing vaginal redness at a visit with my children. My daughter also repeatedly said “ouch mommy ouch” while I was changing her. My children are crying out for help and CPS is not listening.
I have never been arrested prior to June 22, 2021. I have never been involved with Child Protective Services prior to June 22, 2021. I have not abused or neglected my children, but yet I am forced to live life without my babies.
My next court date in Thursday, January, 27, 2022.
I need the community to PACK THE COURT.

I Pledge To Pack The Court For The Brown Siblings
Support the Movement to Finally STOP the Unchecked Power of CPS
Every purchase of the Respond in Power Guide and/or T-shirt helps Operation Stop CPS's mission to empower families and hold CPS accountable for their abuse towards families. We NEED your support to finally put an end to this system.